Alia for Early Intervention
Alia For Early Intervention offers evaluation, early Intervention Services and case management to eligible children and their families. Children eligible for services must be: three years old/ of age at the time of referral, and suspected of developmental delay or diagnosed with a physical or mental condition, resulting in a high probability of delay in the following areas:
- Cognitive development.
- Communication development.
- Social or emotional development.
- Physical development.
What is Alia for Intervention?
Alia is a centre set up in November 2004 by the Bahrain Society for Children with Behavior and Communication Disorders. An American education consultant group, Applied Behavior Consultants (ABC), was employed to help set up the school and train our staff, in line with an approach called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The consultants revisit Alia every four months to assess the progress we are making and to deliver more advanced training. In November 2005, Alia was awarded ABC accreditation in ABA approaches and we are now certified to train parents, teachers and other professionals in educating children with behavior and communication difficulties. In June 2008, five members of staff were qualified to be Miller Method Certified Specialists.
How is Alia funded?
Alia is run as a charity. There are school fees but these are kept to the absolute minimum, thereby making the centre available to all.
What programs do the children follow?
The children follow a range of interventions, depending on their individual needs. Most of the children follow the Applied Behavior Analysis programs. This is a one to one intervention that teaches the children various skills in receptive language, expressive language, and imitation, play skills, independent work and academics. Addition to the ABA programs, the children also follow the Miller Method and TEACCH. gvt