Alia for Early Intervention

Alia Admission
Clients meet initial admission eligibility if the following conditions are met:
- The client must have an autism spectrum disorder, (Autistic Disorder: DSM-IV 299.00, Asperger’s Disorder: DSM-IV 299.80, Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS: DSM-IV 299.80), or a related disorder as documented by a qualified professional. A medical assessment is required by a developmental pediatrician.
- The client must be between the ages of 30 months and 6 years old at the time of acceptance into the Early Intervention program.
- The client must undergo an assessment at Alia in order to get a general indication whether the current program would be suitable for him/her.
- The client is not determined to be medically fragile or in need of specialized health care services.
- The family is dedicated, has the time to be highly involved in the program and is an active member in the society supporting its mission and cause.
- Priority is given to Bahrain Nationals.
- The financial status of the family would be considered. Those that are better able to cover required expenses will have an advantage.
Our Programs
Applied Behavior Analysis
(ABA) is perhaps the best known skills-based therapy. It consists of teaching skills by breaking them down into small steps and teaching one step at a time, rewarding correct responses. Most people have heard of the Lovaas method, an intensive ABA program developed by Dr. O.I. Lovaas at the University of California, Los Angeles. Methods of ABA include; verbal behavior therapy and task analysis.
The Miller MethodŽ
A Cognitive-Developmental Systems Approach for Children on the Autism Spectrum The Miller Method addresses children's body organization, social interaction, communication and representation issues in both clinical and classroom settings.
TEACCH is a North Carolina program administered through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but because of its training activities and publications the TEACCH approach is widely known nationally and internationally. TEACCH is an evidence-based service, training, and research program for individuals of all ages and skill levels with autism spectrum disorders.
OUR Services
Dietary, Biomedical and Alternative Treatments-Regular consultation Services from visiting professionals
Berard Auditory Integration Training
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Sensory Integration sessions Dietary, Biomedical and Alternative Treatments-Regular consultation Services from visiting professionals
Sensory Integration sessions
Brain Gym
There are some immediately recognized advantages of Berard AIT:
- it only requires 10 days, with two 30 minute listening sessions each day.
- the main pre-requisite skill is that the listener must accept the head-phones (Berard Practitioners are knowledgeable about how to help those individuals who may be initially reluctant.)
- it can be provided as young as 3 years of age.
When a parent is faced with finding interventions for their child who may be struggling with learning, developmental and/or behavioral problems, they need to explore the many options currently available and evaluate each one. They must take into consideration the effectiveness of the intervention (considering relative benefit/risk), whether it is appropriate for their particular child, the timing of the program relative to other interventions that are being done, cost and accessibility.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy used in Autism
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been utilized to treat Autism in many countries throughout the globe. The rationale behind using hyperbaric for Autism is that the treatments increase cerebral blood flow and thus oxygen is delivered to areas of the brain, which are thought to be oxygen deficient. Greater amounts of blood and oxygen begin to stimulate cerebral tissues and aid in recovery of idling neurons. HBOT also reduces excess fluids and swelling of brain tissues which aid in neurological function and a less confused state in Autistics.
Hyperbaric is also used as a complementary therapy for the treatment of heavy metal detox for such materials as mercury. Hyperbaric assists in the metabolism of heavy metal removal. It can help a patient counteract the effects of heavy metal poisoning and helps body deal with toxins even as noxious as cyanide. It is often used in conjunction with chelation and other detox procedures to help support the body to deal with the impact commonly seen in the removal of heavy metals, mercury, toxins, and other contaminants.
Worldwide, medical researchers are discovering promising results with the effects of hyperbaric therapy on persons with Autism.